So, I've created a blog as part of the web 2.0 tutorials.
I guess that makes a me a two-point-opian, which is a term which I stole from some other blog (possibly Annoyed Librarian) and which I rather like.
So I think I'm at about week 4, and coping pretty well. I'm familiar with pretty much everything we've covered, having had a flickr page for a few years and pretty much living on the web since the mid-to-late 90's when I struggled along with a 14.4k modem... Also, I've begun and abandoned (usually after the second post) more blogs than I care to think about.
RSS feeds are something that I haven't really had too much interest in before, having set up a google reader page a while ago then ignoring it for a while. Serendipitously, the week on RSS feeds coincided with me moving into a place without an internet connection, which has made my google reader a little more important in catching up on my frequently visted blogs in the short space of time I now manage to find for interwebz-related malarky.
So this is the blog I started for this whole 2.0 thing. I also have a flickr page here:, with a couple of shots from around the library.
There's a pic from the library (West Ryde Public Library) just up at the top of the page. That's Russell at the desk. It's ok, I got him to sign a waiver to allow his image to be posted to the web. Also, we took a blood oath, but that's unrelated to web 2.0.
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