Thursday, September 18, 2008
So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
libraries and internetz
Monday, September 8, 2008!
I've had a account for a while, but seldom use it. It's one of those things: I would love to share links and sites of interest with people, but I always forget that these sharing applications exist... Like my RSS reader, it sits there and gets ignored, with a flurry of activity occurring maybe twice a year.
There are other things I really like though. LibraryThing looks brilliant. I'd been using a similar application on facebook (BooksIRead or somesuch) but found it a little frustrating and amateurish. LibraryThing seems to have a lot of info professionals and librarians lurking around to make sure that things are kept ship-shape and librarianly. The idea of having an online catalogue (properly catalogued!) of all of my books really appeals to me.
Technorati: meh, can't really see how it would be relevant unless you want to sell something to people who like buying things from blogs. Most of the blogs we checked out were thinly disguised fronts for some commercial outlet or other, disguised as a personal blog. Fortunately these are pretty blatant. There is some good stuff on there, but nothing you couldn't find by doing some minimal research elsewhere, and if you're looking for subject-specific information you're honestly better off just going with google.
NEWS: in other news, I'll be leaving West Ryde in a couple of weeks. I've been offered a job in the Westpac Business Information Centre (read: corporate library) as an "Information Specialist" (read: researcher). It's a great opportunity to use some of my research skills without having to abandon all of the experience i have in customer service, and also a chance to work in a special library which isn't in a law firm. I figure these things don't come around too often so I've jumped at it.
I'll miss West Ryde and everyone here. It was a great place to have my first experience in libraries and I'm very grateful to everyone here for showing me the ropes. With any luck I may end up working with some of them again down the track, who knows?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
online video n that
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Findability vs tagging vs traditional cataloguing
We have a collection here at Ryde which consists of Chinese books that have been donated to the library. Because they are a bit of a mixed bag with regard to quality and content, they all get grouped under the title "Chinese donation", saving on time and expense in cataloguing them properly. A problem arises when someone takes a liking to a particular book and wants to know if we have any more titles similar to it in our collection. Unfortunately we have no way of searching the donation collection through keywords, title or author.
This is where user-generated (or even library staff-generated) tags could come in handy. By tagging a book with a keyword it would make finding similar books a lot easier. Obviously you then get problems of people using inappropriate or irrelevant tags, but this would be a small price to pay to have books searchable, and the tags could be checked on occasion by staff.
Just a thought...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tell me why I don't like Mondays.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Nothing to report.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Hitting a power pole on the information superhighway...
But it just goes to show that all this web business is well and good, but you'd better know some Dewey for those times when technology fails us. Because it will.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The next lesson for me on the web 2.0 tutorial is on wikis. I'm a great fan of wikipedia, even though we get told in our research classes to NOT use it. Thing is though, it makes a great starting point, quite often has really useful links and handy bibliographies, and can be surprisingly accurate (with attached caveat...). That being said, I've never contributed to a wiki. I have considered adding my 2 cents worth in some of the more contentious topics just for a laugh, but in the end couldn't be bothered. I may yet contribute in areas where I have some esoteric knowledge, possibly even as part of the whole 2.0 thing.
More 2.0 excitement to follow.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
State Library Web 2.0
So, I've created a blog as part of the web 2.0 tutorials.
I guess that makes a me a two-point-opian, which is a term which I stole from some other blog (possibly Annoyed Librarian) and which I rather like.
So I think I'm at about week 4, and coping pretty well. I'm familiar with pretty much everything we've covered, having had a flickr page for a few years and pretty much living on the web since the mid-to-late 90's when I struggled along with a 14.4k modem... Also, I've begun and abandoned (usually after the second post) more blogs than I care to think about.
RSS feeds are something that I haven't really had too much interest in before, having set up a google reader page a while ago then ignoring it for a while. Serendipitously, the week on RSS feeds coincided with me moving into a place without an internet connection, which has made my google reader a little more important in catching up on my frequently visted blogs in the short space of time I now manage to find for interwebz-related malarky.
So this is the blog I started for this whole 2.0 thing. I also have a flickr page here:, with a couple of shots from around the library.
There's a pic from the library (West Ryde Public Library) just up at the top of the page. That's Russell at the desk. It's ok, I got him to sign a waiver to allow his image to be posted to the web. Also, we took a blood oath, but that's unrelated to web 2.0.